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Kristin + Steve: Married! {St. Louis Wedding Photographer}

August 5th, 2011-

Kristin and Steve were married just last weekend, and are probably still on their honeymoon in Riviera Maya as I write this blog! I'm blogging a bit more quickly this time, because my life is about to go into a dizzying tail-spin...my little brother and his wife just had a baby, so I'm trekking home to meet him, I go back to work on Wednesday, and we are MOVING next weekend! So much going on, and I want these two to see some photos before I get too busy!!!

Enough about me! We started out in Soulard for the ceremony...we made it inside before a monstrous thunderstorm...

Love the pompoms on her shoes!

It was a hot, sticky day...Kristin's bridesmaids did an excellent job of keeping her cool!

Nicole snuck this shot before Kristin went down the aisle...

I never post family formals...for most photographers these are the least fun part of the day. But we got really lucky with the weather...the skies were soft and overcast, which allowed us to take the photos outside of the church in the middle of the day. Natural light is soooo nice for family formals!

Then we booked it on over to the botanical gardens, which hold special meaning to Kristin. It was so hot...we grabbed all the bridal party pictures in about 10 minutes and sent them inside to cool off. Kristin and Steve were troopers and sweated it out, literally, for a few more gorgeous photos.

I love the yellow and gray color combination...every room in my new house is somehow inspired by it...

..and the guys bought suits instead of renting, which I think is a superb idea.

Then we headed over to the rooftop at Joe Bucks for some relaxed photos of the bridal party...

I love the yellow and gray combo for weddings!

The reception was held at Windows Off Washington...

The yellow and gray invitations!

The end! Thanks to past bride Ashley for sending Kristin and Steve my way! Hope you had a wonderful honeymoon!

Ceremony: Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Reception: Windows Off Washington
Flowers: Russell Florist
Cake: McArthurs Bakery


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