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Jenna: 1 Year!

Jenna is the daughter of one of my bestest friends/roommates/bridesmaids, Jess! I miss Jess a ton, but luckily we stay in pretty constant contact through phone calls and emails and texts! I was able to take maternity pics for Jess, but scheduling just hasn't worked out for me to get home to photograph any other milestones for Miss Jenna so far. Luckily it worked out that I could get home and do some pics near her first birthday. It was a totally overcast/misty day, but Jenna didn't mind at all :)

If you are a fan on my Facebook page, you would have seen this super cute teaser last week!

An arm was all Jess would let me photograph that morning...hehe.

Outfit change and a snack break!

Thanks to grandma Cheryl for helping out with Jenna's shoot :) Jess, she's getting so big and getting such a cute personality! See you guys soon!


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