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Married: Teresa and Chris!

Teresa and Chris were married on a B-E-A-utiful day this past weekend. I had never had the pleasure of meeting them before, as they were both stationed at their respective military posts (Teresa in Fort Rucker, Chris at Fort Bragg). Get this...Teresa is an Army helicopter pilot! On top of that, she's SO pretty...Chris is a lucky guy!

While emailing back and forth before the big day, Teresa let me know that her grandmother MADE her dress and that she wanted plenty of pictures of it and her grandma helping her into it. I never expected it to be this gorgeous!

Teresa went with this color combo to go with the natural beauty of the Butterfly House.
Pretty fish-eye view my assistant, Brigid shot of the ceremony site!
I like these two shots...Teresa looks a bit nervous but then her face lights up as she turns the corner and sees all her friends and family :)

Fave of the day...
Then we headed to the carousel for some fun with the bridal party...
I LOVE this shot of their flower girl and ring bearer!

Oh, and if you get dizzy easily...be careful while standing backwards on the moving carousel while shooting...almost lost it a few times...but it was worth it...

I just bought a fisheye lens and pulled it out for just a few shots...

Getaway VW! Being a VW owner myself, of course I loved this...
We took a quick break, had some apps at Pujols 5, and then headed outside to do a few more shots before the reception...

T + C gave little mini trees to their guests as favors! And those butterflies on the cake were inspired by a Martha Stewart weddings magazine.

I always love good toast moments! The guests, especially the kids, had a great time with the photobooth!
Butterfly ring shot!
Emotional first dances are the best :)
Thank you for a lovely day, Teresa and Chris! Hope you're enjoying the Bahamas!


Lora Ayers said...

Beth, again these are so great. I love how you capture details, and the exposure and color of your images is perfect. The MSW inspired butterfly cake is so cute! love those up close dancing shots too! beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love looking at Beth's blog and see someone I know! We went to High Schol together. Teresa, your wedding and pics are beautiful! Great job Brigid and Beth! Congrats newlyweds, enjoy it :)
-Megan Jones (Teal)

Sutberry Photography said...

Beth this was a great wedding for you! Beautiful pops of color and fun creative shots...I LOVE the carousel!! Great job!

brit said...

LOVE the shots on the carousel! So fun! Your detail shots are great!

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