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Sam and Juliana! Some CUTE Kids!

Over the last year there has been a shift in my business toward shooting more and more weddings, with less and less families and kids. It wasn't necessarily a conscious decision...I just got so busy shooting weddings I didn't have time to add family sessions and was turning some people down, which I hate to do! This upcoming spring I left myself some time to squeeze in some portrait sessions because I missed doing them!

Monday I got to meet Sam and Juliana who are 7 and 10 years old. It's always nice to photograph kids who are old enough to follow directions :) What I didn't know was that not only can they follow directions but these two REALLY love each other! I didn't see any bickering or meanness (which I remember from when my bro and I were little!) They laughed and played and hugged...it was so sweet!!

Not your typical children's portrait...

...followed by a very nice one :)

Sam and Juliana's mom wanted some photos that were more "them" than the ones you can get at the mall. I think we accomplished that!

So pretty...

...and her handsome little brother...

Love this photo!

I had lots of fun capturing this brother/sister relationship! Thanks for looking :)


Anonymous said...

Oh these pictures brought tears to my eyes, and I don't even know these kids! Beautiful! mk

Anonymous said...

These are truly priceless. Great capture.

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