
Thanks for stopping by my blog! This is where you'll find my most current work, along with announcements and even some personal photos and stories. For more information, check out my website!

Jessica and Rick: Married!

It took me a few days to get up and running with this one...after my shoot on Sunday I came down with something that was NOT fun...but now I'm starting to feel better again...so I spent the day under a blanket in front of my 27" screen with one goal in mind---to blog Jessica and Rick's Wedding!!

Jessica and Rick were married in Edwardsville at Leclaire Christian Church...

The new, happy Mr and Mrs Grodzicki!

The following shots were taken in approximately 15 minutes! J + R weren't sure if their timeline would allow for outdoor shots but we made it happen! We did have to shoot around 200 + kids taking photos for prom though :)

I call this one my "David's Bridal Ad"...all the girls are so coordinated in their different DB dresses :)

LOVE this one of the guys!

A little role-reversal...


ohhhh...the fifteen minutes we had was during the best light of the day...

Another fave...

Some of the details...

Toast moments...you'll notice in the bottom right-hand corner the best man giving his speech off his iPad...that's a first :)

Rock shot!
Jessica and Rick, I hope you enjoy your honeymoon and that you love your photos!


Anonymous said...

LOVE the dance photos and the rock shot. Clever!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bride & groom shots!

Meagan said...

Love these, Beth!

Lisa Scherer said...

Gorgeous!! Loving the "rock shot"...

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