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My new work area!

Alright, so I finally got around to taking picture of my new work area!!! For the past six months or so, I've been complaining to Griffin that our office was not fit for actually working. It was messy, cluttered, and you couldn't find anything!!! It was time we did something about it!!! So a few weekends ago, we headed to the new IKEA store near Cincinnati. (Only 1/2 hour away from my parents---dream come true!) Half a day later and very tired, we walked out with everything we needed to organize our new space.

This is Griffin's new desk. It's just perfect for him...compact and simple. He mostly just uses the computer for fantasy football, downloading music, and paying bills. Notice how we painted the bulletin board to match the walls :)

Another view...the magnetic bulletin board is so fun!

And ta da! Here is my new photography work space. I LOVE IT!!!! Griff installed the shelves above where I can store cds/dvds, camera boxes, etc. The table was super cheap (you pick the table top and legs separately to build a table to suit you.

He even installed some lights beneath the cabinets that are perfect.

Here's the picture I blogged about last time!

And my own magnetic bulletin board...

We bought these storage boxes in all different sizes. We ended up getting about 20 of them...it feels so good for everything to have its own place!
One more shot of my little area.

We even put up a rack to hang my camera bags and Shootsac...nothing laying on the floor anymore!

Here is the other side of the room that we have to tackle next!!! We are going to get rid of the desk and buy a table for scrapbooking. We waited because we weren't sure how much room we'd have, but with all this cool stuff from IKEA we have plenty of space!


Courtney Reece said...

k so i'm SOOOO jealous of your work space!! :) I need to revamp mine...but its currently sharing its space with the guest bed and a bunch of other clutter. :/
If I ever get mine done I hope its as cool as yours :)

Lynn1105 said...

Count me in for the next trip to Cincinnati and IKEA! My office space could use a major overhaul...I'm o jealous! ---Lynn

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