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Rachael: Just because...

Meet one of my sister-in-laws...Rachael! I think she's the only one that hasn't graced my blog yet. I've been begging her for years to let me shoot her, and she finally had to give in, as she's creating a website to display her awesome interior design skills! We found some new spots to shoot and I got to practice my new off-camera lighting techniques!


Love this shot in black and white...

These windows were a lot of fun...

So next we moved to another location and I got out my light! A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend the One Light Workshop and finally erased some of my fears regarding getting my flash off camera. Now, I've been using off-camera lights for my church formals and also at receptions for the last couple of years...but I wanted to learn a little bit more about lighting clients in outdoor situations when it's too dark for even my 5d mkII to handle. Also, off-camera flash can really add some drama to your photos. Anyway...I'm definitely not claiming to be an expert, and I need a lot more practice...but I really like the way these turned out!

Then back to a few more natural light shots as the sun was leaving us...

Thanks Rachael! Can't wait to check out your website!


ELisa Bauer said...

love the off camera flash shots! Did you use your alien bee?

Beth Berry said...

Elisa...nope...just used my 580exII!

Darbi G. Photography said...

BETH!!! These are to die for!!! She reminds me of a mix between Michelle Williams and Hillary Duff!
But anywho...so many faves. And those off-cam lighting ones...HIGH FIVE!!!! Did you use a modifier at all?

Beth Berry said...

Thanks Darbi! I actually used my little old 30 inch umbrella! It works great for 1 person, but I went out and bought a 60 inch umbrella today to light couples!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful Beth. How lucky for you to have such a beautiful subject to try out your new lighting techniques! You just can't go wrong shooting those Berry girls! MK

Ashley Smith said...

These are beautiful, I LOVE the off-camera flash photos!

Lora Ayers said...

Gorgeous girl and pictures, I am so excited for trying off camera flash...I hope I can pull it off this beautifully, well done!

Sutberry Photography said...

Cool Beth! I wish I could have been at that workshop! I love that first one of her standing.

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