
Thanks for stopping by my blog! This is where you'll find my most current work, along with announcements and even some personal photos and stories. For more information, check out my website!

Just some updates!

Things around here are getting busy! I have a family shoot tomorrow, I'm second shooting a wedding Saturday, and I have another family shoot on Sunday. The following week is more of the same! Ordinarily I hate giving up my weekends-o-laziness, but I can't get enough of shooting! I want to apologize to anyone who is tired of me talking about it!

To increase my excitement, my 70-200 2.8 IS lens is at UPS...I just have to wait for the word to run and pick it up! I'll for sure be blogging about it...it's my first "L" lens! I've been working really hard to save up for it and I know it'll be worth it!

Also, I've booked my first solo wedding with our friends Robin and Sebastian, who are getting married in February. Congratulations to them!! (and thanks for wanting me to be a part of your big day!)

I feel so happy to have all this going on right now! That's all!


Studio 7 Photography said...

congrats on booking the wedding!! What weekend is it?

Trisha said...

I have been saving up for the 70-200 also. Looks like all my savings are going to have to go to our trip to Niagara Falls next weekend though. :( I guess it will be worth it! :)

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