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More of 2nd Shooting with Studio 7

Here are my favorites from Saturday. I love seeing how different people choose different favorites. When I looked at how Crista processed my images, I thought, well maybe THOSE are my favorites :) I still like these though.

Here's Katie's mom looking on as she finishes up getting ready.

We decided this looks almost like a coastal scene, even though it's in Katie's parents' back yard next to a lake.

Right after the ceremony...

Wandering around downtown Springfield.

I'm not usually into purple, but I thought these bridesmaid gowns were gorgeous!

Cute couple!

Same pose, slightly different angle, and processed differently...

Love this shot, but make sure you check out Crista's version of it HERE!
Thanks again Crista!


Studio 7 Photography said...

I liked all of those too, in fact the one of her hugging her bridesmaid was supposed to be in the collage, but it was uneven!! These look great, I love the one of them walking. And, the big pictures look AWESOME!

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