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A sad day for the the Berry's...

I haven't blogged or even taken pictures for a while...well my reason is this: Today we had to put our beautiful dog, Halle, to sleep. She was suffering from "megaesophagus", which means her esophagus was so stretched out food couldn't effectively make it all the way to her stomach. She's been suffering for a while, but since about last Friday, she was absolutely miserable. We couldn't find it in our hearts to keep her alive through the pain. We got opinions from several veterinarians who all agreed that there wasn't anything left to do for her, unless we wanted to feed her through a tube for the rest of her life. For those of you who knew Halle, that was no kind of life for her. I already miss her so much, and don't know what I'll do without my napping buddy.

Here are some of our engagement photos taken by the talented Clary Pfeiffer in July '07, back when Halle was lovin' life.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about Halle. She was loved so much by you two, I know she will be missed.

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