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Dayton, OH Mini Sessions!

May 26th, 2011...
Last weekend I headed back to my hometown to visit family...and I thought while there I'd see if anyone was interested in a quick mini-session! It's nice to get out of the StL area and discover some new locations. While I was researching a place for an urban shoot, I came across a Dayton photographer's site...they were shooting in a really cool spot...I emailed a few pics to my dad, who's familiar with the area, and crazy enough...the spot was his old work place! Super random coincidence, but so cool!

Mini-sessions are a great way to get some quick shots of your family as they grow, without laying down a large amount of money every time you want to capture a moment in time. They are also less work for me, so I consider it a win-win situation :)

First up that morning were Robyn and her baby girl Ellen (+2 new babies on the way!). Unfortunately her hubs had to work. We all attended the same high school...I love seeing how all these people I remember from a long time ago grew up and made beautiful little families :)

Ellen's curls were just adorable.

Next up was the Alldred family! We went to high school together also, and Leanne and I also attended Miami U! I've kept up with Leanne mostly on facebook..she is quite the photographer (much to her little guys' dismay) and I like to look at her family blog!

Three boys, all with very different personalities...

And last came the Sharp family! Kate and I have known each other since we were teenagers, and she were bridesmaids in each other's weddings! I can't believe she already has 2 little guys!

Ben has become quite the ham. He and my 2 year old niece are very fond of each other :)

This is my fave shot of the day...you can't get better than these candid moments...

I want to thank all these families for coming out! I will definitely be doing something like this again in the fall!

Also a big thanks to my mom for being the best assistant/baby wrangler a photographer could have!

I have lots o' stuff in the blog pipeline. My awesome friend Jess and her baby Jenna, Katie and Matt's wedding, and several engagement sessions! I promise to blog a lot this summer :)


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