Hi everyone! My apologies for the boring blog lately. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I have REALLY been taking advantage of winter off-season---meaning I haven't done ANYTHING!
I'm starting to feel the itch to get shooting again, which is good, because this weekend is my first ever Boudoir Marathon, which I'm hosting with my friend Megan from Megan Thiele Studios! Hopefully some of the girls will be brave enough to let us show them off on our blogs..but until then, I thought I should at least put up something for you to read :)
When I was first starting out, I used to look at blog after blog after blog, wondering about shooting techniques and what lenses my favorite photographers used. Over the last few years I've slowly built up quite an arsenal of equipment, and thought it could be interesting to some people to see what I shoot with and why!
First off, my trusty Shootsac (with custom cover designed by Megan). I think after my little Canon Rebel and cheap-o 50 1.8 lens, this was my first purchase. I never go to a shoot without it. I typically keep 3 lenses + memory cards + water bottle + cell phone in here.

This is the 50mm 1.2 lens. Many folks use this lens as their go-to portrait lens. Some of my shooter friends keep this lens on most of the day. I prefer it for bridal portraits/close-ups, some shots of a bride and groom, and I will also use it for a processional in a really dark church, when I know my 70-200 can't get the job done. It's a beautiful lens. (PS...I started out with the 50 1.8, upgraded to the 50 1.4, and eventually had to get my hands on this one)

Next up is the 35 1.4 lens. I keep this lens on my camera for most of my family sessions, and it also stays on my camera for a big majority of a wedding day. It's a great story telling lens, as you can get a wider look at a scene than you can with the 50 1.2. I use it for getting ready shots, family formals, bridal party portraits, and pretty much all of the dancing portion of a reception. It can also be a great portrait lens. ( I upgraded to this lens after using the 28mm 1.8, which is also a nice wide-angle lens)

The 70-200 2.8 IS was the very first "L" series lens that I ever purchased. It was EXPENSIVE but I knew I had to have it if I wanted experienced wedding photographers to let me come along and 2nd shoot with them! I use this lens for the majority of a wedding ceremony, so that I can stay back and out of sight. It works for most processional/recessional situations, and is a necessity to get close up if you are stuck in a church balcony. I also like using this lens during first dances at a reception, to get those up-close, intimate shots. It can take gorgeous outdoor portraits, but I often leave it in my bag because it's too darn heavy :)

This little guy is just a novelty lens, the 15mm fisheye. I mainly bought it for those brides that want photos at the Arch! Only in St. Louis is this a necessary lens :) In the right situations it can create some really cool images, but it can definitely be over-utilized.

My only non-Canon lens is the Sigma 50mm macro lens. When I purchased this, I wanted something mainly to take ring-shots and some up-close details...and didn't want to shell out 600+ for the former Canon 100mm Macro (ps the canon one is like $1000 now). This little guy has gotten the job done for me for the last few years...I love my ring shots!

And it is my pleasure to introduce to you the 24mm 1.4. I have been lusting after this lens for a while. While I love my 35, there are many situations where it is just not wide enough for me (for example, if a bride is getting married in a teeny-tiny room and I can't back up far enough, or if there is a HUGE bridal party). And really, I just LOVE wide-angle lenses for story-telling on a wedding day. I can't wait to start using it this upcoming season!
So, there you have it, all my lovely lenses. It's probably too many, but they are so hard to give up :) If I had unlimited funds, I'd also buy the 135mm 2.0, the new Canon macro, and some sort of tilt-shift lens. Maybe some day!

Do you see me drooling over here? :)
I'm sure Andy would have some more constructive comments about lenses, but my contribution is "Hey! We have that chair from Pier 1!"
Also, two Leannes on one blog-- that's impressive :)
Lol ladies.
Leanne C-S...I love that chair! It's going to look so awesome when our new couches finally arrive!
Thanks for posting this! I like hearing what you have and how you use it, very helpful. :)
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