
Thanks for stopping by my blog! This is where you'll find my most current work, along with announcements and even some personal photos and stories. For more information, check out my website!

Deist Family...and Greta is ONE!

I met Molly and Steve last year when they came to my Illinois mini-sessions. Molly was very pregnant for that session...and now they have the most beautiful baby girl!

Her pink sweater is way too sweet...

Sooo...I was about 20 minutes late for this session...got stuck in traffic because I scheduled a session at the City Garden an hour before Rams kickoff. VERY smart. You'd think with it being the last shoot of the year I'd have figured those things out by now :) Thank goodness this family is patient, and Greta goes with the flow...

Love me some mommy and daddy time...

"Who put this hat on me?"

"At least I'm even cuter now..."

Favorite. You probably saw this on Facebook a few weeks ago...

That's all! This was my last session of the year...still can't believe it! I hope to get some time in the near future to update my website with all the fun portrait sessions and weddings that I was lucky enough to shoot this year...

Stay tuned for Alison and Adam's Wedding...who also earn the distinction of being my LAST wedding of 2010 :)


Meghan said...

Ohmai - LOVE those baby blues!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the one after your favorite. She looks so peaceful. What a beautiful little girl ... great pics. MK

Sutberry Photography said...

Awesome job Beth!!!! Way to round out the year!

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