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Sophia-1 year!

In the last year or so, I've started to get a bit of baby fever. And then when you photograph babies like Miss Sophia here, it's only gonna get worse! I met Sophia and her mommy at Oak Knoll Park the other morning...and she was so cheerful and smiley!

Her mom had her laughing and smiling all morning :)

She did so well with her little headband...but here it's almooossst coming off...

We got a little frilly in the tutu for a few...

And then went au-natural...

Her foot cracks me up here...she didn't want it to touch the grass too much. My 1 year old niece Kaitlyn also really dislikes grass!

She was a little too small to enjoy the playground...so imagine our surprise when she decided to climb all the way up the slide (with a little support, of course)

The end! Hope you enjoyed this cute baby as much as me :)


Megan said...

such a cute smile! I LOVE the one where she's keeping her foot off of the grass - that'll be such a great memory when she's older.

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