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Daisy...1 year!

I was finally able to meet up with this lovely family this week after a few attempts were cancelled due to terrible weather. We still had clouds but that was okay! Miss Daisy just turned one...and she is so darn cute.

She was always trying to share with me...

Love this quick break she took with her mama...

We got frilly for a few and played around in the wild flowers!

It's so cute when babies are proud of themselves :)

Couldn't resist the hair here on Miss Daisy!

The eyes, the smile, the cheeks...my fave :)
I'd love to post more but it's currently 4 am. Why am I up you ask? Well...I have a snoring beagle upstairs coupled with the fact we haven't turned on the air yet...so I'm up but only half-awake :)

Stay tuned for Anna and Farid's Wedding day post coming in a few days...


Anonymous said...

LOVE the hair photo!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow how cute! I love the ones among the yellow flowers. Beautiful! MK

Lora Ayers said...

She's adorable, Love the shot of her laying her head on her mom's side, and the when she's being thrown in the air.

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