
Thanks for stopping by my blog! This is where you'll find my most current work, along with announcements and even some personal photos and stories. For more information, check out my website!

Yawn...I'll blog soon, promise!


I know, my blog is a total yawn right now! Things are starting to pick up a bit though so hopefully there will be much more blogging to come! I second shot a wedding up in Springfield, Il, this weekend, and I'll get some of those blogged tomorrow. I have 2 family sessions scheduled this week as well. Lots of good stuff to come!

Above is a picture of Griff and I from our anniversary trip to Chicago last weekend :)


Studio 7 Photography said...

I love the wedding party in the back, that is funny. Obviously you took that on a Saturday!!

Anonymous said...

Umm... you'll have to explain this one to me. Very cool picture though. mk

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